- Departments & Centers
- Health Checkup Center
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Center for Preventive Medicine (Health Checkup Center)
Reservation / inquiry for medical checkups
(Mon-Sat/10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 16:00)
E-mail address:
Director of Center for Preventive Medicine
Director, Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology
Chief professor of Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology, IUHW School of Medicine

IUHW Narita Hospital opened in 2020 and launched the Center for Preventive Medicine. By performing accurate examinations with state-of-the-art medical equipment and combining them with in-depth consultations, our experienced physicians and professional staff make comprehensive diagnoses to realize quality medical checkups and appropriate advice for your health. Our service lineup ranges from one-day to two-night programs with various options.
Thanks to lanes separated by gender and/or by nationality, you can have medical checkups in a relaxing atmosphere.
I have been involved in clinical, educational, and research activities at the International University of Health and Welfare and Chiba University, and my major includes diabetes, metabolic and endocrinology, atherosclerosis, obesity, and geriatric medicine. By leveraging my experience, I would like to contribute to the promotion of your healthy life.
With an aim of being a world-class center to offer medical checkup services to local people as well as those from overseas, we, the entire staff, will make our utmost efforts to support your healthy living.
Graduated from Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University(currently known as University of Toyama)and completed Graduate School of Niigata University; M.D., Ph.D.
Has experience as an Associate Professor of the Cell Therapy Department in Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine; a researcher at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden; and a faculty member at the Karolinska Institute of Medical Sciences, Sweden. Board Certified Trainer and Doctor of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine; Board Certified Trainer and Board Certified Diabetologist of the Japan Diabetes Society; Board Certified Member of the Japanese Circulation Society; Board Certified Trainer and Geriatrician of Japan Geriatrics Society; Board Certified Trainer and Specialist of Japanese Atherosclerosis Society; selected as Best Doctors 2020-2021, etc.
Reservation / inquiry for medical checkups
(Mon-Sat/10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 16:00)
E-mail address: