Departments & Centers

General Medicine

Our role is to determine the appropriate department for patients who are unsure which department to refer to. We have the ability to diagnose the vast majority of outpatient conditions based on the medical history, which allows us to deal with the biological, behavioral and social factors impacting an individual patient’s health. The causes of the patients’ symptoms vary widely. There are cases where physical symptoms are caused by psychological or social issues; or from an organ located far away from the affected part of the body, or there may be a complex interplay of multiple diseases. Our goal is to deal holistically with all of your symptoms and where necessary direct you to an appropriate department for further investigation or treatment.

IUHW School of Medicine, Laboratory of General Practice
(currently, most contents are available only in Japanese)

IUHW School of Medicine, Face book for General Practice
(currently, most contents are available only in Japanese)

Highlights of the department

  • The core staff of this department have specialist training in general practice and a focus on diagnostics. We specialize in clinical problem solving and ambulatory medicine. We solve a patient’s undiagnosed symptom or health problem by comprehensively approaching all biopsychosocial problems without being restricted to an organ system or disease.
  • We place particular emphasis on the medical interview, on the basis of which we will perform any necessary physical examinations or investigations to help determine the cause of your symptoms.

Other specialty fields and unique treatments

  • We can be the point of first contact for a foreign traveler or family members of foreign patients who fall sick during their stay in Japan, when they are unsure which department they need to refer to.