Departments & Centers

Anatomic Pathology

We offer anatomic pathology services (histological diagnosis, cytology and autopsy) of entire organ systems. Pathologists, histo/cytotechnologists and administrative staff work together to provide accurate diagnosis in a prompt manner by using various methods ranging from morphology to new molecular pathologic methods; thereby assisting in determining the treatment plans for a wide variety of patients.

Highlights of the department

  • Pathologists with expertise in various organs systems provide a high-standard diagnosis.
  • Specimens are signed-off by multiple pathologists to assure the accuracy of our diagnosis
  • We will establish a consulting network amongst affiliated IUHW hospitals and other leading institutions which will allow the exchange of whole-slide image (WSI) data of rare and complicated cases.
  • Digital image analysis tools are utilized for diagnostic support. The department itself engages in research and development of the system, including AI/deep learning techniques.

Other specialty fields and unique treatments

  • Offers diagnosis / consultation services at the International Remote Diagnostic Center, mainly for Asian countries.
  • Molecular diagnosis is offered in coordination with IUHW Institute of Medical Genomics.