Inpatients & Visitors

For Inpatients

Hospitalization Procedures

Once you are told to admit the hospital, please come to the Hospital Admissions and Discharge counter to arrange hospital admission. Inpatient guidelines pamphlet, consent for hospital admission form and health and hospitalization history form are given to you there. In regard to the consent for hospital admission form and health and hospitalization history form, you are required to fill out these forms, and submit on the day of admission. If you are hospitalized ungently and/or out of hours, please submit the forms within three days from the following day of the admission.

When being admitted to the hospital, please have the following items ready:

  • Consent for Hospital Admission form (Also see the following “Notice for filling out the Consent for Hospital Admission form”)
  • Health and Hospitalization History form
  • Health insurance card (please resubmit every month)
  • Photo identification (such as residence card or passport)
  • Medical care eligibility certificate (only for patients with ◦乳, ◦親, ◦障)
  • Upfront deposit (at least JPY100,000 for those with health insurance card; please ask our staff if you don’t have the card)
  • Certificate stating eligibility for Ceiling-Amount Expense Benefit
  • Personal chop (if applicable)
Notice for filling out the Consent for Hospital Admission Form at Hospital Admissions

We require a signature of the patient, guarantor, and joint guarantor on the declaration form. In principle, we ask that a family member act as the guarantor. Concerning the role of joint guarantor, we ask that an unrelated adult capable of making the necessary payments act as the joint guarantor.
For patients without living or accompanying family members, we ask that an unrelated adult capable of making the necessary payments act as the guarantor or joint guarantor. It is recommended that all patients arrange for more than one representative for each role.
If there arises a situation in which it is difficult for any document to be signed by a guarantor and / or joint guarantor, the patient should inform the staff at the Hospital Admissions and Discharge counter on the 1st floor.

On the Day of Admission

  • please arrive at the hospital at the designated time by your physician. *

  • Arrangements are made at the Hospital Admissions and Discharge counter.

  • The hospital staff will take you to the inpatient ward.

  • * Please come to the hospital at least 30 minutes prior to the time.

What to Bring for the Hospital Stay

  • Toiletries
    Towels (for face and body), toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, hairbrush according to your preferences
  • Daily necessities
    Chopsticks, spoon, cup (not ceramic or glass), tissues
  • Personal belongings
    Nightwear, underwear, indoor shoes (that are non-slip, and comfortable is recommended)
  • Others
    Daily medications (Prepare them for whole hospitalization period)
    Headphones for watching TV (For those who stay at multi-bed room)
    * Available for purchase at the hospital kiosk
    Impatient guidelines (The pamphlet provided at the time of admission )
  • - For security reasons, please refrain from bringing any valuables and / or large sums of money.
  • - Bringing hazardous materials such as knives or highly flammable substances into the hospital is prohibited.
  • - Please only bring the most essential personal belongings for your stay in the hospital.
  • - For patients not staying in a private room, they are asked to use headphones when watching TV. Headphones are available for purchase at the kiosk on the 1st floor of the Center for Preventive Medicine.
  • - Make sure to bring Impatient guidelines (The pamphlet provided at the time of admission).


In order to perform all treatments and examinations safely and efficiently, we ask each patient to wear an identifying wristband, as well as to identify yourself before each treatment and examination.

Safety Box

  • For security reasons, please refrain from bringing any valuables and / or large sums of money. Please keep your valuables in a safety box in the bedside cabinet.
  • Make sure to keep a key to the safety box by yourself; Please note that the hospital is not be responsible for any loss, damage or other issues.
  • Please inform the staff immediately if you lose the key to the safety box. The cost of a replacement key will be covered by the patient. We can open and replace the key at 8:30 am – 5:30 pm on Monday through Saturday.

Protection of Patient Privacy

Inquiries about inpatients
We do not disclose any information over the telephone to protect all patients’ privacy. We inform visitors who come without prior inquiry of only the ward the patient is hospitalized.
Name Display
To prevent us from mixing up patients, we are displaying you name at your room entrance and your bedside. Please let us know if you do not wish to display.

Security Counter

There is a security counter at the entrance of each hospital ward. Please let someone at the staff station know when you are returning to your room.

Fire Safety Tips

Our hospital building was built with reinforced concrete and as a quake-absorbing structure. Please check the location of your room in relation to the nearest emergency exit after checking in. In case of an emergency (e.g., earthquake or fire), please stay calm and follow the directions of the hospital staff.

Prevention of the risk of falls

  • In our Hospital, all medical staff are striving to prevent the risk of falls, however unexpected falls often occur, caused by changes in your lifestyle and by illness or injury, or physical condition. Therefore we implement fall prevention measures and may ask patients to prepare comfortable, non-slip shoes.
    In order to stay in the hospital safely, we are making effort to prevent falls in cooperation with the patients and their family members. In details of the fall prevention measures, please see a poster in the hospital. If you have any concern, please feel free to talk to a doctor or nurse, or also see the separated pamphlet for the prevention of the risk of falls.
  • For fall prevention measures, we post an advisory sticker at the entrance of each room for medical staff to share information on the risk.

For Those Who Might be Eligible for Ceiling-Amount Expense Benefit

If you present your Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount (Gendogaku Teikyo Ninteisho) or other certificates before your hospital admission, you are only required to pay a pre-fixed ceiling amount at the cashier.

  • Apply through your health insurance provider

  • Receive the certificate

  • Present this certificate at the hospital and pharmacy

  • * The ceiling of your monthly payment depends on income.

Previously, patients were required to pay the full cost upfront and would later receive reimbursement (even for those on the monthly payment plan) regardless of copayment amount. Presently, however, the patient will not need to pay anything above the amount specified in the Ceiling-Amount Expense Benefit.

Eligible patients Procedure before admission At the hospital or pharmacy
  • Under 70 years old
  • 70 years old and older without taxable income
Apply for a Ceiling-Amount Expense Benefit certificate with a health insurance provider. Show the certificate at the counter
75 years old and older, with taxable income Ceiling-Amount Expense Benefit application is required; coverage depends on personal income Show proof of “Elderly Insurance Certificate” at the counter
75 years old and older, with taxable income Show proof of “Medical Care Certificate for Elderly in the Latter Stages of Life” at the counter
  • In case you do not submit these certificates, the payment procedure will be as usual
    (Eligible patients should apply for the appropriate expense benefit coverage plan. Once approved, the difference in cost and the limit of the patient’s copayment will be paid by a health insurance provider at a later date).

For more details on the application procedure, please contact your health insurance provider, Japan Health Insurance Association, your local municipal office (for national health insurance, and medical care system for elderly in the latter stage of life), a national health insurance society, or a mutual aid association.