

Opening Date of IUHW Narita Hospital Moved Up to March 16, 2020

In view of the pressing medical situation in Japan, the opening date of the International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) Narita Hospital will be moved up to March 16, 2020 (from the original date of April 1).

Currently, medical institutions nationwide, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, are doing their utmost to address this situation. In light of these circumstances, we have decided to open the IUHW Narita Hospital as early as possible to protect the health of local residents as well as that of the wider population of Japan, in accordance with our mission as a medical institution.

During March, we will receive outpatients at the internal medicine departments on an appointment basis. We will be able to provide 46 private rooms for cases when hospital admission is necessary.

From April 1, 2020, 41 departments will be ready to receive outpatients. The number of beds will initially be 94, increasing to 322 from May 1 to provide comprehensive healthcare. Additionally, our health screening center, the Center for Preventive Medicine, will also be operational from May 1.

The IUHW Narita Hospital will utilize state-of-the-art, cutting-edge medical equipment to diagnose and treat diseases. Our hospital features various centers, such as the Center for Genomic Diagnosis (providing diagnosis based on genomic analysis), the Radiotherapy Cancer Center (diagnosing and treating cancer using advanced medical techniques) and the International Center for Clinical Infectious Diseases. Located near the Narita International Airport, our hospital will function as a point-of-entry institution dedicated to preventing the spread of pathogens in Japan.

We plan to increase the number of beds in several phases and the total number will be 642 once the hospital is fully operational. Aiming to become a hub hospital within Asia, we will provide high-quality, reliable, and safe healthcare, both facility-wise and service-wise. The hospital will also feature a Check-in Lounge for International Patients and our staff will be able to provide services in multiple languages.

Dr. Masaru Miyazaki
Director of IUHW Narita Hospital

Contact information:

For medical treatment (including outpatient appointments):
(calling from outside Japan) IUHW Narita Hospital +81-(0)476-35-5600
(calling from within Japan) IUHW Narita Hospital 0476-35-5600

For enquiries regarding the hospital opening:
(from outside Japan) IUHW Public Relations Department +81-(0)3-5574-3828
(from within Japan) IUHW Public Relations Department 03-5574-3828

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