Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

General Privacy Policy:

Under our principle to respect each individual, we pay the utmost attention in handling personal information. We strive to strictly protect and manage all personal information provided by the users of our website.

Provision of personal information:

Users of our website are not required to provide personal information with some exception of when making inquiries to our hospital.

Use of personal information:

Users' personal information provided for certain services on this website or when making inquiries, will only be used for intended purposes to which the users have agreed. We may contact the users or send brochures and other information to e-mail addresses provided depending on the inquiries of the users.

Provision of personal information to third parties:

Personal information provided will not be shared among third parties with the exception of the following cases:

  • A consent has been given by the user who is the provider of the information.
  • Official request has been made under the law by public authorities such as a court or a police.
  • A third party, to which our hospital has entrusted some operations, require the information to provide certain services to the users. (The third party concerned, however, is not allowed to use the said information for any other purposes apart from its primary purposes)

Disclosure, Updates and Deletion of Personal Information:

We will take necessary action when requested by the provider of personal information to do followings.
Confirming, updating and deleting the provided information and withdrawing the consent regarding the use of personal information.

Amendment of the Privacy Policy:

"Privacy Policy" on this website may be partially or entirely revised without any advance notice. Such revisions will promptly and clearly be notified on this website.

Privacy Policy at the Hospital:

We collect personal information from our patients in order to provide safe medical treatment. For the patients to comfortably receive our treatment, we believe that it is essential to appropriately manage, use and protect personal information. We have, therefore, devised the following privacy policy and we shall do our best to adhere to the said policy.

  • We shall strictly follow the laws and regulations regarding the protection of privacy. We shall adhere to rules and regulations of our hospital in collecting, using and providing personal information while, at the same time, continuously improve the system for protecting private information.
  • The purpose and nature of the usage of collected personal information will be communicated to users in advance.
  • We shall collect personal information needed minimally and adequately.
  • We shall strive to maintain the accuracy of personal information collected and make updates when necessary.
  • We shall take preventive measures against loss, destruction, alteration and leakage as well as illegal access to personal information.
  • We shall adequately monitor our employees to secure safe handling of personal information.
  • We shall monitor third parties to which handling of a part of or entire personal information have been entrusted adequately as needed.
  • We shall promptly disclose information such as medical records following procedures specified by our hospital when requested by the patients. Separate fees shall be charged to the patient in such cases.
  • We shall take necessary action when a request is made by a patient to revise, add or delete the contents of his/her medical records after making an investigation as per rules and regulations of our hospital.

Protection of Personal Information of Our Patients:

We take the following measures against handling of patients' personal information.

Purpose of the Use of Personal Information:

Unless otherwise notified by the patient, we consider that the patient agrees to the purpose of the use of personal information. If it is necessary to use information for purposes other than those described below, we shall receive separate consent from the patient in advance. (With the exception of cases deemed as exceptional under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.)
Changes to the purposes of the use of personal information shall be limited to those within practical range and related to its original purposes. In cases where changes in the above purpose have been made, we shall notify patients or disclose information on the changes on our website.

Requests regarding the Handling of Personal Information:

  • At the outpatient section, patients shall be called out by the token number given at the reception in advance to avoid cases of mistaken identity. Please notify our staff in advance, if you wish to be called out in a different manner.
  • Nameplates shall be displayed at the entrance of each ward and bedside to avoid cases of mistaken identity. Please notify our staff, if you wish to avoid a display of your nameplate.
  • Please notify our staff, if you do not wish to let visitors be notified about your information such as ward number.
  • These requests may be changed anytime. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Purpose of the Use of Personal Information of Our Patients:

Medical consultations and medical practitioners' receipt of health insurance claim

Purposes of the use of personal information at our hospital
  • Medical services provided to patients
  • Administrative work related to insurance
  • Handling of admission and discharge to and from the hospital
  • Cashier and accounting
  • Medical safety measures
  • Trainings at the hospital
  • Hospital case studies for the purpose of improving the quality of medical care
  • Investigations necessary for providing medical care
  • Administrative work related to our patients
Terms and Conditions of the Provision of Patients' Personal Information to Third Parties:
  • To provide medical care in coordination with other hospitals, clinics, maternity clinics, pharmacy, home-visiting nursing station and care service providers and others.
  • To answer inquiries made by other medical institutes.
  • To seek second opinions and advice from physicians who do not belong to our hospital.
  • To give explanations regarding the clinical condition of the patient to his/her family.
  • To outsource handling of specimen inspection and others.
  • To entrust insurance related operations, to submit medical practitioners' receipt for health insurance claim to screening centers, and to answers inquiries from screening centers and insurers.
  • To submit results of health checkups to the employers of the patients in cases when the checkup was entrusted by the employer.
  • To consult or to notify insurance companies engaged in doctor liability insurance and specialist medical agencies.
  • To report to third parties for the purpose of upgrading the quality of medical care, ensuring safety, and handling and preventing medical incidents.
  • To provide information to auditig agencies as part of our administrative operation.

Use of Information Other Than Administrative Work concerning Medical Consultation and Medical Fees

  • To make basic documents for maintaining and improving administrative operations of medical facilities that provides medical and nursing care services.
  • To cooperate in the training of nurses, pharmacists, radiological technologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, orthoptists, medical administration staff and others.
  • To educate and train physicians, nurses, pharmacists, clinical technologists, radiological technologist, physical therapists, dietitians and others.
  • To conduct case studies and research, and Analysis/research of the clinical condition and elucidation of death case at autopsy /clinical pathology analysis committee.
  • To conduct surveys in areas such as post-treatment progress, patient satisfaction and hospital operation.
  • To provide information for medical and pharmacological investigation and research.
  • To provide information for research and investigation regarding the quality, safety or effectiveness of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.
  • To investigate for the purpose of research and development of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.
  • In case personal information is to be extracted and used for any other purpose than above mentioned such as medical treatment and administration of medical fee/ prescription, we will adhere to the following guidelines;
    • Information included in the patient medical record will be used anonymously within the primary purposes
    • Information included in the patient medical records will be handled as per the guidelines of "standard for medicine and clinical test practice " "Ethical guidelines for analysis research of human genome and gene" "Guidelines for clinical research of Gene therapy" "Ethical guidelines for Epidemiology" "Ethical guidelines for clinical research" "Guidelines for Genomic testing" "International declaration related to human gene information" issued by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and other organizations.
    • As per the guidelines, researcher may contact the patient in person if it is required to gain the patient’s consent besides mutual agreement by notice/publication.

IUHW Narita Hospital
Contact medical administration office regarding the privacy policy.